Affiliate Management

The rela­tion­ship betwe­en adver­ti­ser, publi­sher and custo­mer lies at the bot­tom of affi­lia­te marketing.

Affi­lia­te Mar­ke­ting is the term used to descri­be a form of onli­ne adver­ti­sing which con­si­sts of rewar­ding an affi­lia­te for refer­ring a visi­tor or rewar­ding a custo­mer for per­for­ming a desi­red action, such as making a pur­cha­se or sub­scri­bing to a new­slet­ter. In a way, Affi­lia­te Mar­ke­ting can be regar­ded as free publi­ci­ty for your page—a network of rela­ted websi­tes direc­ting custo­mers to pur­cha­se from yours.

Affi­lia­te cam­pa­igns have the best results when they are com­bi­ned with Search Engi­ne Opti­mi­za­tion (SEO), Pay Per Click (PPC) cam­pa­igns, ema­il mar­ke­ting sup­port and are well-suited for tra­vel, reta­il, and servi­ce indu­stries due to the­ir time­ly rese­arch pro­ces­s/lar­ge-volu­me sales.

Effec­ti­ve Affi­lia­te Mar­ke­ting is not thro­wing a bunch of links at dif­fe­rent websi­te owners in the hopes that some­thing will stick. It is a well-plan­ned, spe­ci­fied effort inten­ded to deve­lop long-term rela­tion­ships with third par­ty websi­tes, rese­arch indu­stry-rele­vant websi­tes with tru­sted pages and build up a valu­able affi­lia­te network for your websi­te that will bring in quali­ty, conver­ted traffic.

In addi­tion, suc­cess­ful Affi­lia­te Mar­ke­ting also invo­lves cer­ta­in busi­ness tra­its such as the abi­li­ty to be fle­xi­ble with com­mis­sion valu­es, espe­cial­ly during times when the­re is a slump in sales, becau­se a higher com­mis­sion will make affi­lia­tes work har­der for you.


Affi­lia­te Mar­ke­ting Campaigns


Affi­lia­te monitoring


Recru­iting new affiliates


Selec­tion of affi­lia­te networks


Affi­lia­te Rewards Pro­gram Management


Ban­ner creation

Our case studies

See all projects

Our affi­lia­te mana­ge­ment team can esta­blish a cle­ar under­stan­ding of your brand, pro­po­si­tion and pro­ducts to help you out­per­form your com­pe­ti­tors. We possess the tech­ni­cal and stra­te­gic expe­rien­ce neces­sa­ry to allow us to con­nect you with mul­ti­ple networks, ver­ti­cals and publi­shers most suita­ble for you whi­le deli­ve­ring opti­mal pla­ce­ment and gene­ra­ting volu­mes of genu­ine sales.

It is also impor­tant to main­ta­in a tru­sting rela­tion­ship with your affi­lia­te sites by making sure you are pay­ing com­mis­sion within the agre­ed-upon deadli­ne. We belie­ve that the key to a suc­cess­ful cam­pa­ign is main­ta­ining a strong rela­tion­ship with your affi­lia­tes in order to help build the­ir trust in your brand. That is the reason why our pro­fes­sio­nal­ly tra­ined experts use inno­va­ti­ve stra­te­gies and rela­tion­ships with other top affi­lia­tes to incre­ase your sales and leads within a per­for­man­ce-based model.


Tell us about your project

Let us help you get your busi­ness onli­ne and grow it with passion

We can mana­ge all aspects of an affi­lia­te cam­pa­ign for your busi­ness and know how to get affi­lia­tes moti­va­ted to sell your pro­duct. We know which affi­lia­te networks are the best for your indu­stry and we know how to build rela­tion­ships that will lead to incre­ased cove­ra­ge of your pro­duct on the­se affi­lia­te sites.

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