A full service digital marketing agency

Our team deve­lops effec­ti­ve con­tent stra­te­gies for for­ward thin­king com­pa­nies. We have a pro­ven track record in incre­asing search engi­ne rankings. 
Social Media Marketing

We pursue relationships based on transparency, persistence, mutual trust, and integrity with our employees, customers and other business partners.

Our team of spe­cia­li­sts con­si­sten­tly deli­vers out­stan­ding results com­bi­ning cre­ati­ve ide­as with our vast expe­rien­ce. We can help you build a susta­ina­ble, meaning­ful rela­tion­ship with your clients by enga­ging them with your brand using social media. 
We work in are­as as diver­se as search engi­ne opti­mi­za­tion, social media mar­ke­ting, ema­il mar­ke­ting and digi­tal marketing. 


Years in Marketing 


Ana­ly­tic Reports 


Ema­il Campaigns 


SEO Campaigns 


Team Members 


First Positions 
Krzysztof Jakubowski
Pre­zes Zarządu 
Prze­wod­ni­czą­cy Rady Fundacji 
Zastęp­ca Prze­wod­ni­czą­ce­go Rady Fundacji 
Agnieszka Ziętek, fot. Bartosz Proll/UMCS
Człon­ki­ni Rady Fundacji 
Krzysztof Kowalik
Koor­dy­na­tor ds. dzia­łań prawnych 
Marcin Muller
Wanda Małek
Redak­tor Naczelna 

89 Clients Served

25 Events Organized

43 Public Speeches

+1,200 Coffee Cups

O U R    V I S I O N

The most respected Internet marketing agency. We want to change the way businesses speak, listen and share online.

Passionate About Our Clients

Our digi­tal mar­ke­ting work spe­aks for itself. We deli­ver an out­stan­ding servi­ce custom-tailo­red to each and eve­ry one of our clients — big or small.

sieć obywatelska watchdog


Some remar­ka­ble events our digi­tal mar­ke­ting agen­cy went through. 


April, 2013

Agen­cy star­ted by web enthu­sia­sts Domi­nic Ben­son and Noah Frost in Cam­brid­ge, UK

June, 2013

The company’s first iOS app was rele­ased and quic­kly rose to the Top 50! 

October, 2013

Esta­bli­shed Lon­don headquarters. 


February, 2014

Our social media opti­mi­za­tion servi­ces used by some of the top com­pa­nies in UK.

June, 2013

Our com­pa­ny raised 5 mil­lion pounds to build all new social opti­mi­sa­tion plat­form for next gene­ra­tion onli­ne marketing.