Maindex Solutions

Let us help you grow your busi­ness thro­ugh the web

Pla­inst Tech­no­lo­gies, one of the medi­cal industry’s leaders in nano­tech­no­lo­gies, desi­red an onli­ne display of the­ir stra­te­gy to incre­ase site sales, whi­le uti­li­zing the­ir cur­rent custo­mer base.

Achie­ved a Click Thro­ugh Rate of 0.09% gene­ra­ting a num­ber of new sales 
In the first month of acti­vi­ty the Cost Per Action was redu­ced by 20% 
Return on Inve­st­ment of 272% 
Social sha­res by network 


To avo­id over-tar­ge­ting exi­sting visitors.


A dyna­mi­cal­ly inno­va­ti­ve digi­tal media suite that allows users to be retar­ge­ted based on the tour they saw last and spent the most time vie­wing. This was done by intro­du­cing a con­te­xtu­al cam­pa­ign to incre­ase reach by sho­wing pro­spec­ti­ve audien­ces the cur­rent, and most popu­lar tour. In addi­tion to that, we applied daily and life­ti­me fre­qu­en­cy caps spe­ci­fic to each user in order to pre­vent overexposure.


We’ve achie­ved a Click Thro­ugh Rate (CTR) of 0.09%, which gene­ra­ted a num­ber of new sales. In the campaign’s inau­gu­ral month of acti­vi­ty the Cost Per Action (CPA) was redu­ced by 20%, sur­pas­sing the client’s tar­get. Febru­ary 2013 saw post-click reve­nue – (gene­ra­ted by both dyna­mic retar­ge­ting and the pro­spec­ting cam­pa­ign) – pro­du­ce a Return on Inve­st­ment (ROI) of 272%.

0.09% CTR

20% less CPA

272% ROI

From The Client

The­se guys have built such a strong rela­tion­ship with our orga­ni­za­tion that we con­si­der them an exten­sion of our IT depart­ment. We always know that excel­lent servi­ce is just a pho­ne call or e‑mail away and that we will rece­ive the same level of atten­tion they always pro­vi­de that makes us feel like we’re the­ir top priority.”

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